Leadership is shining your light

I grew up always attracted by the light in people’s eyes. I felt so dazzled by the glimmer shining through these eyes. Yet, I noticed how often this light lies dormant on people’s faces, and I wondered what is it that stops this spark. Is it fears, or feeling inadequate? Is it sadness? Is it the weight of the world some people carry on their shoulders? I know too well how hiding my light for so long has shrunk my potential arbitrarily, and cast a shadow for many around me.

As we hide our light, we hamper the world from becoming a more vibrant and beautiful place. We are often taught early in life to hide, to be cautious – often with good intention to avoid being hurt or to fail. Sometimes, we are cautioned by others out of envy or other less positive intents. Yet, it is through daring to become visible and to shine that we can bring out our full potential. The world will know the difference between a light shining, and a desire to draw attention to self.

You may have been told that shining your light is immodest. You may have believed that it is risky to draw attention, as you may be rejected or, even worse, you may have to bear the responsibility of success. Truthfully, when you hide your light, you quash your dreams, and prevent others from benefiting from your aptitudes, thus denying the world new experiences. This light is what makes you unique, what you need to lead your life, and what grants others the permission to shine their own light, allowing them to go and explore their own brilliance. Wherever your light comes alive, in the library, the kitchen, in the forest, or at work, lead the way. Stop holding back! You will do the world a favor!

Honoring your full potential

There are many ways to embrace the whole of who we are with our various experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. Yet, in my experience, the tendency is to focus on what we expect others to like and appreciate, and lead our life and others from a place of strength, ignoring the vulnerable spots. To the experienced eye, however, there is a significant difference in the way we walk into a room (and through life) between someone willing to embrace it all and someone hiding behind a wall of tears. The first one comes in curious about what life has in store, willing to engage, and usually having much to offer. He or she is showing up for the party. The other is walking into the room holding back for one reason or another, either hurting inside, hiding behind an imaginary wall, or in need of healing. He or she cannot be present in the room, lacking the confidence to be whole and transparent.

Do you think that hiding parts of who you are is normal? Do you feel that it is better for your surroundings to keep your own issues buried within and not bother others? The trouble with this is that you are also likely to hide this part of you to yourself – from your own awareness. Just noticing that you are not really showing up into the room full of family, or friends, colleagues or even strangers is an important step. Feeling your way into what it would look like and feel like to show up embracing the whole of you, can give you the inspiration to give yourself permission to become your full potential.

In truth, we can show up to fully engage even if we are suffering or closed behind our wall, but it starts with showing up fully to that experience as part of life. Shielding ourselves from the pain and experiences we do not wish to have is shielding ourselves from the whole of life, the negative as much as the positive (two faces of the same coin). There is nothing more rewarding than showing up for the whole of life. When we can do this, we become alive and rich. We gain the ability to make things happen for ourselves, and others around us. We walk through the room and into the world with the curiosity and knowledge that we have a lot to offer, and the desire to share it.