How to lead in the absence of gathering

Fellowship is crucial to humanity’s wellbeing. I belong to many small groups and thrive on gathering with like-minded individuals and being of service to people around me. At a time when real-life is interfering with our efforts to come together, nurturing or creating a sense of community will be essential. I believe the aspirations, interests and needs to come together will be felt increasingly, and I would encourage people to consider the importance of forming groups, gathering their tribe.

Forming groups is an invitation to companionship and camaraderie into a circle of support. You may feel driven to found groups around activities that can be managed virtually at a time when gathering is challenging. We may find that groups of like-minded individuals are inherently exclusive as they serve as a support network to those who have something in common, but leadership can help transcend the boundaries that might otherwise keep people apart. We need to cultivate from the outset an inclusive and diverse group open to engaging with others to ensure that the group will grow and thrive as a result.

You will likely come across the discouragement of seeing people reluctant to engage actively, waiting to see how the group evolves. The challenge will be greater in the absence of physical gathering. But intention will be key. You will be tested by others wondering whether you are truly committed to serving with your heart and soul. In fact, your vision and intention to serve will be the seed that will eventually grow into nurturing a community long beyond your own role in the inception of the group and even your own presence, staying true to its original purpose. The group will develop its own life cycle and evolve along the way for as long as it will remain coherent with its core purpose, and resonate with people and the environment. Leadership is about giving the impulse and keeping coherence and resonance alive.

Leadership is shining your light

I grew up always attracted by the light in people’s eyes. I felt so dazzled by the glimmer shining through these eyes. Yet, I noticed how often this light lies dormant on people’s faces, and I wondered what is it that stops this spark. Is it fears, or feeling inadequate? Is it sadness? Is it the weight of the world some people carry on their shoulders? I know too well how hiding my light for so long has shrunk my potential arbitrarily, and cast a shadow for many around me.

As we hide our light, we hamper the world from becoming a more vibrant and beautiful place. We are often taught early in life to hide, to be cautious – often with good intention to avoid being hurt or to fail. Sometimes, we are cautioned by others out of envy or other less positive intents. Yet, it is through daring to become visible and to shine that we can bring out our full potential. The world will know the difference between a light shining, and a desire to draw attention to self.

You may have been told that shining your light is immodest. You may have believed that it is risky to draw attention, as you may be rejected or, even worse, you may have to bear the responsibility of success. Truthfully, when you hide your light, you quash your dreams, and prevent others from benefiting from your aptitudes, thus denying the world new experiences. This light is what makes you unique, what you need to lead your life, and what grants others the permission to shine their own light, allowing them to go and explore their own brilliance. Wherever your light comes alive, in the library, the kitchen, in the forest, or at work, lead the way. Stop holding back! You will do the world a favor!