Leadership from the neck up

I do not know about you, but the culture I grew up in put the head over the heart. It was more important to use your brain to address issues and people, rather than give in to emotions.  The hierarchy between head and heart went even further in pointing to the fact that women tended to often react too emotionally, when it was perceived as more appropriate to meet new ideas from a level-headed perspective. Many around me seemed to disconnect from their emotions as a result, and to listen and respond, to give and take, from the neck up.

We are today suffering as a society from a mind-driven approach to most issues coming our way, from climate change to bedtime stories, devising strategies, making plans and taking steps to get anywhere according to a well-structured mind, which means ordering things through categories and boxing people in order to process information. This is essentially how we have survived as a species on earth. The mind is clearly a huge asset. However, we may have come to a point in our evolution where we need to rebalance and give our heart a greater say.

Have you noticed how barriers, divisions, and boxes crumble, melt, and disappear when you listen to your heart? The brain gridlock softens, and some new pathways open up. In our super connected world, new interconnectedness starts appearing. Try feeling your way around things, problems, and people. You may sense space between you and what you are confronting. This is the space you need to create something new. This is the path to a more compassionate world, which will tap more into the heart and balance out your brainpower.

Time to listen, time to hear the pain and speak

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside”  Maya Angelou                                                                                         

So many times in history we simply did not hear.
This time the whole planet is for the first time engaged in the same conversation, the same fear, the same story. Is it enough?

For the first time, we stand a chance to wake ourselves up to the dire call of the planet, to the conditions in which our vulnerable ones left this world without even a goodbye.  What kind of race have we become?

So much is changing, so much can change, and yet many cannot wait to go back to what they know, to business as usual, ensuring business continuity. What kind of continuity are we hoping for?

We are finally concerned for our health, of course our own individual health before that of others and that of Mother Earth. Let it be so, as we are finally discovering that our own health is linked to that of others and that of our planet. Mother Earth has choked for decades and been on fire all year long. We are faced with a disease affecting our breathing capability, setting our systems on fire. Are we hearing this call? Are we even listening? Do we understand?

For the past two months, have we heard the quiet in the streets? Have we noticed the blue sky and the sunshine, the birds singing, this bright ultra-light bringing sunshine when the sadness all around was so heavy? Have we noticed?

Have we appreciated the sudden slower pace, the time to be in family, having the luxury of inner reflection, meditation, and calmness around? Or have we looked frantically for external stimulations to fill a void inside?

Did we hear our hearts calling us to action to care for loved ones, or mere appreciation for what we have? How many of us teleworking have enquired about how our colleagues were coping, how their families were doing, how they themselves were feeling before enquiring about work, results, and business continuity?

It is high time to put our hearts at the center and align our thoughts and actions with the guidance from within. It is not small changes and various reforms that are required, but a whole systemic change that is in order. We have reached a tipping point. Do we even have a vision of what is our desired outcome? Are we capable of letting our imagination create something new and step out of conformity for fear of what might happen to ourselves?

A system that is immune to other people’s pain, disrespectful to the planet and ultimately to ourselves is not worth saving.

Our system of endless growth for the benefit of a few is not sustainable. We all deserve to thrive, to be happy, and to enjoy our beautiful planet. We owe it to our children. We all agree … but are we hearing the desperate calls of those dying alone among our elders? Do we understand the sacrifices of those working in hospitals? Do we listen with compassion to those in pain, or do we lead the way from the head, to be efficient and perform, to win … convinced or pretending that we know best?

Do we listen to find a new path? Do we hear from other people, diverse views, communities of elders, aboriginal wisdom? Where is this pandemic taking us? What existing weaknesses is it pointing to? Not only in our international system, in our society, but in our own lives, in our own family, our own heart? Have we built the same walls between our heart, head, soul as we have built between our countries as borders closed down so quickly?

Are we hearing the new voices, the new ways, the new ideas with an open heart? Are we prioritizing our health and well-being? Have we learned to listen to our bodies or are we following our fears, too scared to try a new path and too happy to close our minds and hearts to the fears, preferring to return to the well-known, even if it is leading to extinction?

Let us make sure that all those people who died did not lose their lives in vain. It is time to listen hard and hear what humanity has to offer that enlightened us in the past and can enlighten us again. The transition this time requires a profound change within human beings. We have become immune to pain at the systemic level. Let us hope we are still able to feel pain at the individual level rather than run away from it. A change in the socio-political system, our economy or even the international order will not come to the fore unless we transform ourselves deep down and hear the pain all around. Thinking our way out has led to much suffering. Let us feel our way out of this pandemic and start learning from joy rather than pain.

Please share as you see fit. It is no longer my story.

10 Ways to tap into your leadership potential

These past few years I have written at length about leadership from various angles: what I discovered from my own experience, what I have observed around me, what may be more relevant for women, and what I have come to understand. In helping others develop their own leadership skills I have discovered 10 ways to tap into your leadership potential. Let me share with you today the following tips:

  • Be clear and deliberate. Do not get caught up in details and slow down – enjoy the ride in life!
  • Stay connected to your own voice. It is essential to be anchored from within. Develop a solid sense of self. 
  • Make sure you can stand silence, and seek moments of stillness away from noise to remain in touch with yourself.
  • Give support to others through connections, even if only your presence.
  • Nurture your ties to your community. If you do not have a tribe, create one: friends, neighbors, colleagues, loved ones. You need others, their support, guidance, and companionship.
  • Choose carefully what you let into your space: i.e. people, information, vibrations, food, noise.
  • Be mindful of the beauty around you and all that makes your heart sing.
  • Look at the big picture and realize that your approach to life is one of many. Widen your perspective and open up to other views, cultures, and ways of doing things.
  • Keep on your toes and challenge yourself. Avoid routine. Life is never dull.
  • Be active: your body needs movement and you need energy and vitality.

Leadership: it is not the title it is the job

In the past decades, I have occupied many positions with various levels of professional satisfaction. I discovered that a high-status job did not necessarily mean job satisfaction, but that positions that allowed me to live in accordance with my values and contribute something of myself ensured professional satisfaction. I understood that what I did was far less important than how I did it. I could even turn a mediocre job into a fulfilling occupation by exploring how to be helpful to others. Service to others is always possible and gratifying for all.

For many of us in society, our titles – including our job titles – define who we are, even our worth. Society does not look at all jobs equally. Yet, “ordinary” jobs may be occupied by people who manage to contribute their skills and talents to the world irrespective of the tasks they accomplish at work. It is not what we do but how we do it that matters. As leaders, setting and meeting goals are important. However, the goals are everyone’s business, but how people achieve these goals, whether they enjoy the experience and thrive or become miserable in the process, is the job of leaders. Ultimately, leadership lies with who you are as a person and how you care for others, rather than what you do for a living. It is a quality of heart rather than an occupation.

So, if you are wondering how to find a fulfilling job, or perhaps how to find your job fulfilling, the key lies less in the job title or menial tasks involved, and more in being your true self as you go about it day to day. If you are a waiter, be proud of your work and enjoy the contacts. Try to contribute your talents and skills to your surroundings, whatever may be the job. It is not the kind of work you do that takes you to lead your life happily, it is the choices you make in leading the way towards your own happiness that will make a leader of you.